
The Ministry of Ecology of Kazakhstan plans to develop a new Water Code in 2021
November 6, 2020
The Ministry of Ecology of Kazakhstan plans to develop a new Water Code in 2021
The Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan plans to develop a new Water Code and a draft law "On the safety of hydraulic structures" in 2021. This was announced by the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev in the Senate during the government hour on the topic “Water security of Kazakhstan: modern challenges and prospects for their solution”.

“For 2021, it is planned to develop the concepts of the new Water Code and the law“ On the safety of hydraulic structures, ”M. Mirzagaliyev said during the meeting.

According to him, the ministry has also formed a scientific block aimed at exploring the possibility of using alternative ways of increasing water resources, increasing the efficiency of water use in industry, agriculture and municipal services, as well as transferring water resources to water-deficient regions of the country.

According to experts, Kazakhstan's water legislation requires further improvement.

“For seventeen years of application of the existing Code, changes and additions to it have been made 62 times (on average, a little more than 3 times per year). As a result, there is a loss of consistency in law enforcement, which generally leads to a deterioration in the situation at all levels of the water sector, ”the minister said.

The current Code also does not regulate technical issues of design, construction and operation of water facilities.

“These issues are regulated by various building codes and regulations, orders of ministries and departments, while the safety of hydraulic structures should be regulated by a special law on the safety of hydraulic structures,” the minister said.
The area of irrigated land in Kazakhstan will be increased within three years to 2 million hectares
November 6, 2020
The area of irrigated land in Kazakhstan will be increased within three years to 2 million hectares
Almost 500 thousand hectares of irrigated land will be restored over the next years in five regions of Kazakhstan, which will bring the total area of ​​irrigated land to 2 million hectares. This was announced by the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev in the Senate during the government hour on the topic “Water security of Kazakhstan: modern challenges and prospects for their solution”.

According to the minister, irrigated agriculture is the main water consumer in the republic. Today the area of ​​irrigated land is 1.6 million hectares.

“According to the order of Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, we need to bring the area of ​​irrigated land within 3 years to 2.0 million hectares. In the period 2021-2023, work will continue to restore 492 thousand hectares of irrigated land in Almaty, Zhambyl, Turkestan, Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions, "the minister said.

As a result of this work, 88 thousand jobs will be created. During the construction period, 11 thousand jobs will be created.

“But most importantly, the introduction of restored irrigated lands into circulation will create 77 thousand permanent jobs in agriculture. In turn, this will create a further multiplier effect in the areas of trade and processing of agricultural products, ”said the head of the Ministry of Environment.

From 2023 to 2030, 1.0 million hectares of irrigated land will be put into circulation. As a result, 500 thousand jobs will be created, with an annual additional volume of agricultural products of 570 billion tenge.
Irrigation canals in Kazakhstan are planned to be digitized to save water
November 6, 2020
Irrigation canals in Kazakhstan are planned to be digitized to save water
Within five years, Kazakhstan plans to digitize the main irrigation canals in order to save water resources. This was announced by the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev in the Senate during the government hour on the topic “Water security of Kazakhstan: modern challenges and prospects for their solution”.

“I wanted to share some good news. So, this year, the first pilot project for the digitalization of the K-19 main canal was implemented, where a water metering and control system was installed with a length of 12.0 km in the Makhtaral district of the Turkestan region with a suspended area of ​​irrigated land of more than 3.6 thousand hectares, on which there are 328 peasant farms. The launch of this equipment made it possible to detect excessive consumption of irrigation water up to 45% of the irrigation regime, ”M. Mirzagaliyev said during the right hour.

“In order to maintain reliable accounting and save water resources, we plan to gradually digitize the main channels throughout the country over the next 5 years,” the minister said.
Construction of 39 new reservoirs planned in Kazakhstan
November 6, 2020
Construction of 39 new reservoirs planned in Kazakhstan
The construction of 39 new reservoirs is planned in nine regions of Kazakhstan. This was announced by the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev in the Senate during the government hour on the topic “Water security of Kazakhstan: modern challenges and prospects for their solution”.

“It is planned to build 39 new reservoirs in 9 regions with a total volume of 3.6 billion m3 per year. For their implementation, 115 billion tenge is needed, ”M. Mirzagaliyev said during the hour.

At the stage of implementation there are 31 reservoirs, of which: 1 is under construction (Kensai-Koskorgan), 28 are under development of feasibility studies, 3 are development of design and estimate documentation (Karauzyak, Kumisketken, Buzuluk).

The construction of reservoirs will reduce the threat of flood events for 70 settlements; to put into circulation new irrigated lands - 394 thousand hectares; create more than 129 thousand jobs in agriculture; remove dependence on the water volume of transboundary rivers: up to 30% - Kyrgyzstan, up to 25% - Uzbekistan, up to 15% - the Russian Federation.
Kazakhstani water workers were awarded medals
November 6, 2020
Kazakhstani water workers were awarded medals
Employees of the republican-state enterprise "Kazvodkhoz" under the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan received medals for conscientious performance of their duties in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies in the Maktaaral district of the Turkestan region. 23 employees of the enterprise received medals.

It is important to note that among the awardees there were also employees of the Turkestan branch of Kazvodkhoz Tolkyn Balpikov and Zhakypbek Abdikasym, who received the posthumous medal "Tutenshe zhadaylardyk aldyn aluda zhuyda uzdik shykany ushin" They were among the first in May of this year to go to the site of liquidation of consequences as a result of the breakthrough of the Sardobin reservoir, which caused a spill of water into the territory of the Maktaaral region.

Tolkyn Balpikov and Zhakypbek Abdikasym struggled with the consequences of the emergency for a month. As a result of weakened health, both employees became victims of COVID-19. Note that Tolkyn Balpikov devoted 27 years of his life to work in the water industry, and Zhakypbek Abdikasym worked in this area for 19 years.

Together with them, other employees of the Turkestan branch of Kazvodkhoz were sent to the scene. For selfless work and professionalism in the elimination of emergencies, they were awarded the badges "Atkaru operationalaryna belsendi atyskany ushin", "Tutenshe zhadaydagy erligi ushin", diplomas and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of employees of the Turkestan branch of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" who participated in the elimination of emergency situations in the Makhtaaral district of the Turkestan region:

1. Denis Konovalov - director of the branch, badge "Atkaru operationalaryna belsendi atyskany ushin";
2. Tolkyn Balpikov - Chief Engineer (posthumously), medal "Tutenshe zhadaylardyk aldyn aluda zhune zhoyuda uzdik shygany ushin";
3. Zhagypbek Abdіgasym - Deputy Director (posthumously), medal "Tutenshe zhadaylardyk aldyn aluda zhune zhoyuda uzdik shygany ushin";
4. Baglan Pirmatov - Chief Specialist of the Operations Department, badge "Atkaru operationlaryna belsendi Katyskany Ushin";

Workers of the Maktaral production site:

- Oleg Klunny - senior hydraulic engineer, badge “Atkaru operationlaryna belsendi Katyskany ushin”;

- Abdiashim Bazarov - water use engineer, badge "Tutenshe zhadaydagy erligi ushin";

- Asan Satybaldiev - engineer-hydraulic engineer of the 1st category, badge "Tutenshe zhadaydagy erligi ushin";

- Kuatbek Kanaev - 1st category hydraulic engineer, badge "Tutenshe zhadaydagy erligi ushin";

- Saken Shynazbekov - engineer-hydraulic engineer of the 1st category, badge "Tutenshe zhadaydagy erligi ushin";

- Erlan Bozaev - engineer-hydrometer of the II category, diploma of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Abdirazak Sybanbaev - engineer-hydrometer ІІ category, diploma of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Dinmukhanbet Yerimbetov - engineer-hydrometer of the II category, diploma of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Zhumabek Tileumbetov - engineer-hydrometer of the II category, diploma of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Myrzaly Tuzelov - water supply regulator, certificate of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Mansur Kuchkarov - water supply regulator, diploma of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Mukagali Boribekov - water supply regulator, diploma of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Doszhan Boribekov - water supply regulator, letter of thanks from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Zharilkasyn Abdikadirov - water supply regulator, letter of thanks from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Ermakhan Bolatov - water supply regulator, letter of thanks from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Workers of the production site "Operation of 364 vertical drainage wells

- Serik Toytanov - site manager, letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Ermek Baimakhanov - hydraulic engineer, letter of thanks from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Bizhan Aldabekov - specialist, letter of thanks from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Timur Atantaev - hydraulic engineer, letter of thanks from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan and Russia will adopt a Program of Joint Measures to Conserve the Ecosystem of the Transboundary River Zhaiyk (Ural) Basin
October 30, 2020
Kazakhstan and Russia will adopt a Program of Joint Measures to Conserve the Ecosystem of the Transboundary River Zhaiyk (Ural) Basin
Kazakhstan and Russia will adopt the Program of Joint Measures to Conserve the Ecosystem of the Transboundary River Zhaiyk (Ural) Basin for 2021-2014. The draft Program was considered during the second meeting of the Kazakh-Russian Commission for the Conservation of the Ecosystem of the Transboundary River Zhaiyk (Ural) Basin. </strong>

The meeting took place in the format of a video conference. The Kazakh side was headed by the Vice Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmetzhan Primkulov, the Russian side - by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Sergey Yastrebov.

The meeting was also attended by deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, scientists, representatives of government agencies and the public.

During the meeting, information was announced on the implementation of the Action Plan to improve the basin's ecosystem and prevent transboundary pollution of the Zhaiyk River (Ural) for 2019-2020.

In addition, the parties discussed in detail the recommendations given in July 2019 during a workshop on studying international experience and preparing proposals for a joint institutional and economic mechanism for preserving the ecosystem of the Zhaiyk River basin (Ural).

Following the meeting of the Commission, it was decided to sign the Program of Kazakh-Russian cooperation on the conservation of the ecosystem of the basin of the transboundary river Zhaiyk (Ural) for 2021-2024 at the upcoming XVII Forum of Interregional Cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on November 12-13, 2020 in Kokshetau.
Compliance will be introduced in Kazvodkhoz
October 30, 2020
Compliance will be introduced in Kazvodkhoz
The RSE "Kazvodkhoz" is taking comprehensive measures to combat corruption, ensure the transparency of the work carried out and public control. To perform these functions, the company has an internal control service, a helpline 8-777-986-86-36 has been created, and the office of "Adaldyk alagy" is working.

As the General Director of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" Arman Kasenov, who took part in the International Online Forum on the Development and Promotion of Compliance in Kazakhstan, held on Thursday, notes, today the sphere of anti-corruption measures is expanding and already requires new approaches. Recall that the Head of State, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, amended the legislation on anti-corruption in October this year. Thus, one of the points of change was the creation of compliance services in the subjects of the quasi-public sector.

“The head of state has been instructed to create compliance services, whose functions include comprehensive control not only of the compliance of activities with anti-corruption legislation, but also of the anti-corruption strategy, as well as the relevant action plans. In short, effective compliance control will ensure the openness and trust of society in the company's activities. In October, a meeting was also held with the Anti-Corruption Service of the city of Nur-Sultan, where the employees of the central office and production branches (via the VKS) were informed about new approaches to combating corruption, ”says Arman Kasenov.

According to him, empowering internal control services with compliance functions is becoming an integral part of corporate ethics.

“In order for citizens to contact us directly, a telephone line has been opened, it works around the clock, 7 days a week. On it you can contact on all questions regarding our activities, as well as on the facts of manifestations of corruption ", - said the General Director of RSE" Kazvodkhoz ".

Note that the International Online Forum for the Development and Promotion of Compliance in Kazakhstan was attended by international and Kazakh experts representing Russia, Ukraine, Israel and the United States.
Kazakhstan and Russia discussed issues on joint use of transboundary rivers
October 29, 2020
Kazakhstan and Russia discussed issues on joint use of transboundary rivers
Measures for water supply of the population and economic sectors, prevention of pollution and depletion of water resources of transboundary rivers, these and other issues were considered during the meeting of the Kazakh-Russian Commission on the joint use and protection of transboundary water bodies held in Novosibirsk.

            The meeting was attended by the Co-Chairman of the Joint Commission from the Kazakh side - Vice Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Nysanbayev, from the Russian side - Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Water Resources of the Russian Federation Vadim Nikanorov. In addition, among the participants were representatives of ministries, water management organizations, hydrometeorological services, local executive bodies and other organizations of Kazakhstan and Russia.

Note that the work of the Joint Commission is under the equal chairmanship of the Parties.

At the meeting, the reports of the heads of the working groups on all basins of transboundary rivers between the two countries were heard. The parties also exchanged information on the passage of the spring flood this year, the filling of reservoirs, the conditions of water supply to the population and economic sectors, measures to prevent pollution and depletion of water resources of transboundary water bodies.

Special attention was paid to the problems of the ecological state and improvement of the hydrological regime of the river. Zhaiyk. As a result of the discussion, a Unified Roadmap for enhancing cooperation on research in the basins of large rivers (Zhaiyk, Ertis and others) was approved.

Let us recall that Kazakhstan and Russia have not only one of the longest borders in the world, but also many common watercourses - transboundary rivers such as Zhaiyk (Ural), Ertis, Esil, Tobyl, Ilek, Kigash, Karaozen and Saryozen (Bolshoy and Maly Uzen ).

Water relations between the two countries are regulated on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation on the joint use and protection of transboundary water bodies dated September 7, 2010.

Within the framework of this Agreement, the Joint Kazakhstan-Russian Commission on the joint use and protection of transboundary water bodies and 6 working groups on the basins of the Ertis, Esil, Tobyl, Zhaiyk, Karaozen and Saryozen, and Kigash rivers operate.
The RSE "Kazvodkhoz" has launched a helpline - 8-777-986-86-36
October 16, 2020
The RSE "Kazvodkhoz" has launched a helpline - 8-777-986-86-36
The service was created to provide consulting services in cases of infringement of the rights and interests of citizens, manifestations of corruption and response to other issues of concern to the population.

All calls will remain confidential.

The helpline works around the clock every day.
RSE "Kazvodkhoz" strengthens anti-corruption measures
October 15, 2020
RSE "Kazvodkhoz" strengthens anti-corruption measures
The updated norms in anti-corruption legislation were discussed at the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" at a meeting with representatives of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency (Anti-Corruption Service) in Nur-Sultan, General Director of the enterprise Arman Kassenov, as well as with representatives of all production branches of the country who took part in discussion via videoconferencing.

According to the first deputy head of the Moscow Department of the Anti-Corruption Service Zhazira Zhylkyshieva, today changes have been made to 3 Codes and 10 Laws.

“Important norms have been adopted in anti-corruption legislation. Thus, the responsibility of top managers for failure to take measures to prevent corruption has been strengthened. There is disciplinary liability for this. It is necessary to conduct explanatory seminars and lectures with employees on an ongoing basis. In addition, an analysis of corruption risks is needed, ”noted Zhazira Zhylkyshieva.

She also recalled the complete ban on accepting gifts by persons who accept anti-corruption restrictions. The circle of persons subject to liability for a corruption offense has also expanded. Now, in addition to the first head, it includes the heads of structural divisions responsible for public procurement.

In turn, the general director of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" Arman Kasenov reported on the work on prevention of corruption carried out at the enterprise.

“The field of activity of our company is intensive and covers a wide range of issues. Today we have connected our employees from all regions of the republic to this meeting, as we believe that everyone should know the updated norms of anti-corruption legislation. We are taking preventive measures every day, the implementation of all the norms voiced today will be under priority control. In general, work in this direction will be strengthened, ”Arman Kasenov stressed.

Also, he noted, the activities of the Adaldyk Alagy Project Office also contribute to ensuring the transparency of the enterprise. Thus, in general, an anti-corruption culture is formed and public control is carried out.
Summing up the results of the meeting, Zhazira Zhylkyshieva thanked all its participants and stressed that positive results in the fight against corruption can be achieved only through consolidated efforts.

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