
In Zhambyl region, work is underway to restore water facilities
November 27, 2020
In Zhambyl region, work is underway to restore water facilities
In the Zhambyl region, work is underway to restore water facilities. To get acquainted with the progress of construction work and in order to assist in solving the problems of water management, the region was visited by the deputy director of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" Serzhan Zhumabekov.

The project for the construction of water facilities is being implemented with funding from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In total, 21.5 billion tenge is provided for these purposes, the implementation of the program is designed for the period from 2017 to 2023.

During the working trip, Serzhan Zhumabekov visited each facility under construction, monitored the progress of the work being carried out and gave appropriate instructions.

In addition, the deputy director of Kazvodkhoz held a meeting with the participation of the director of the regional branch of the enterprise Kazybek Bedebaev, heads of departments and contractors. At the meeting, contracting companies reported on the progress of construction work, and also voiced problematic issues of the facilities. Serzhan Zhumabekov instructed to keep the execution of the planned plans under special control and adhere to the deadlines.

“In total, 264 canals and 46 wells will be restored in Baizak, Zhambyl, Zhualynsky, Kordaysky and Merken districts. Today, construction and installation work is underway at all water facilities. After their completion, the area of ​​irrigated land will be restored in Zhambyl region, which will amount to 53.965 thousand hectares. This, in turn, will make a significant contribution to the development of the agrarian and economic sector of the region, ”said Serzhan Zhumabekov during the meeting.
The Ministry of the Environment adheres to the principle of zero tolerance for corruption
November 26, 2020
The Ministry of the Environment adheres to the principle of zero tolerance for corruption
Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev voiced this position during a meeting with the participation of the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency Alik Shpekbaev. The meeting was devoted to the prevention of corruption offenses in the institutions of environmental control, water resources, geology, forestry and wildlife. The event was organized on the mutual initiative of the parties.

“Since the day of its establishment, the ministry has held four collegia with the participation of representatives of the media and non-governmental organizations to discuss anti-corruption issues. An anti-corruption plan has been developed and is being implemented. A map of corruption risks and an anti-corruption standard were also approved. The map of corruption risks was also presented to the Presidential Administration, ”said Magzum Mirzagaliyev.

Heads of all committees, structural divisions, territorial bodies and subordinate organizations of the ministry, as well as heads of specialized departments of local executive bodies of regions, took part in the meeting via videoconferencing. Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent.

During the meeting, the results of work on the Agency's earlier external analyzes of corruption risks in the committees of water resources, environmental regulation and control, forestry and wildlife were considered. The position of the leadership of the Ministry on the issue of preventing corruption was noted, which made it possible to bring the indicator of the provision of public services in electronic format to 88% and to achieve significant progress in implementing the recommendations of the Agency.

It should be noted that the ministry, together with the Agency, launched the project office "Adaldyk alagy" last year. Today, 17 branches of the project office operate in the regional institutions of the ministry.

“Representatives of the monitoring group of the project office“ Adaldyk alagy ”are members of the working group on public procurement, the tender commission for hiring, and the disciplinary commission. At our initiative, the Agency conducted external analyzes of corruption risks in the ministry's committees. A plan of measures to eliminate risks was also adopted, ”the minister said.

Alik Shpekbayev, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency, drew particular attention to the need to increase the level of openness in the work being done.

“Preservation and enhancement of natural resources is our sacred duty to the population and descendants. Openness, transparency and accessibility will help you with this. Commitment to these principles distinguishes the leaders of the new formation. In this regard, I express my gratitude to the minister. It is encouraging that young leaders come to central government bodies whose priority qualities are justice and honesty. Only an integrated approach based on interaction with the media, civic activists, the introduction of digital solutions, improvement of the working conditions of employees will eliminate the slightest possibility of committing corruption offenses, ”the Chairman of the Agency emphasized.

In addition, he stressed that prevention and education are factors deterring corruption.

“We need to avoid legislative gaps, reasons and conditions, risks, administrative barriers and bureaucracy. We can defeat corruption only with a society with an active civil position. It is also important to educate, educate and form an anti-corruption culture, ”stressed Alik Shpekbaev.

Magzum Mirzagaliyev summed up: “Our ministry is guided by the principles of zero tolerance for corruption. Timely response to all appeals and requests of citizens is under special control. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of tasks to prevent corruption and require compliance with the law, first of all, from oneself and only then from all employees. "
A new reservoir will be built in Kyzylorda
November 25, 2020
A new reservoir will be built in Kyzylorda
A new reservoir will be built in the village of Karaozek near the city of Kyzylorda. This was announced during a live broadcast on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the director of the Kazvodkhoz branch in the Kyzylorda region Khamit Biymbetov.

“Another new reservoir will be built in the village of Karaozek near the city of Kyzylorda. Design and estimate documentation will be submitted for examination this year. Financial issues are planned to be resolved next year. This project will improve the work on bringing water to the fields, ”said Khamit Biymbetov.

He also spoke about the progress of repair work at the waterworks.

“For the repair of the Kyzylorda hydroelectric complex in 2020, 481 million tenge is provided, in 2021 - 1 billion 420 thousand tenge, by 2022 - 709 million tenge. Concrete work is underway on the left main canal. All works should be completed by 2022. This hydroelectric complex was commissioned in 1956, before that major repairs were not carried out. In addition, repair work is being carried out at the Aytek and Zhideli reservoirs. Work on them will be completed by the end of 2020. The Zhideli will be launched in early December, ”said the head of the branch.

“This year, at the beginning of the growing season, the Koksaray counter-regulator collected 2 billion cubic meters of water instead of 3 billion, for this reason the farmers found themselves in a difficult situation. To resolve the situation, the Akimat, together with rice growing companies, cleaned 300 km of internal canals. We, in turn, cleaned 61 km of main canals. In total, 90 thousand hectares of rice were planted, water was supplied for their irrigation, according to the approved schedule, ”Khamit Biymbetov emphasized.

We add that in the current growing season, all rice fields of the Kyzylorda region were provided with irrigation water.
November 23, 2020
Today, the director of the Kyzylorda branch of the Republican State Enterprise "Kazsushar" Hamit Biimbetov will answer questions about the work being done in the region.
It tells about the repair of the Syrdarya, Aitek, Zhideli water networks and how the irrigation period went.

Live broadcast

You can see it and ask your questions.

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On the initiative of Kazvodkhoz in Pavlodar region, another water purification station was launched
November 10, 2020
On the initiative of Kazvodkhoz in Pavlodar region, another water purification station was launched
On the initiative of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a project for the reconstruction of a local group water supply system was implemented in the Maisky district of the Pavlodar region. As a result, a water purification station was launched, which made it possible to provide 16 villages with a population of 11 thousand people with high-quality drinking water.

The length of the water supply system is 148.7 km; the source of water supply is groundwater. Design capacity - 4150 m3 / day. The project cost exceeded 5 million tenge.

After the reconstruction of the Maysky group water supply system and the launch of a water purification station, the population of the region received not only high-quality drinking water, but also purified water for domestic purposes.

It should be noted that in 2018, work began on the reconstruction of the May group water supply system to provide the population of the district with clean drinking water. The reconstruction project provided for the restoration of the water intake on the floodplain of the Irtysh River with the laying of a pipeline with a total length of 148.7 km. The implementation of the project made it possible to reduce the amount of wash water in comparison with the classical treatment technology.
Astana reservoir is ready for the flood period of 2021
November 9, 2020
Astana reservoir is ready for the flood period of 2021
The total volume of filling in the Astana reservoir of the Akmola branch of the RSE "Kazvodkhoz" is 410.90 million m3, the facility provides water to the capital and a number of nearby settlements (Arshaly, Izhevskoe, Shoptykol, Arnasai) through the Izhevsk group water supply ... This was announced by the director of the Uuli Duli branch during a trip to the reservoir.

According to him, today the Astana reservoir is completely ready for the upcoming flood period of 2021. However, there are also issues that require effective action.

“The Astana reservoir was built in 1970, it is located on the Esil River. The throughput is 1910 m³ / s. At the moment, the volume of the reservoir is 328 million m3, which is 80% of the filling capacity. The period of operation of this reservoir is 50 years, which is quite a long period for such objects. In addition, today there are topical questions about the reservoir. Due to the unauthorized construction of temporary tubular passages and overgrowing of shrubs with young trees, the carrying capacity of the Esil River in the area of Zhibek-Zholy and 42-crossing stations. As a result, each flood discharge from the reservoir threatens the settlements below the river. Esil. Therefore, local executive bodies need to remove unauthorized passages, straighten river bends in some places, build a protective dam along the edges of settlements, ”noted the director of the Akmola branch of the Kazvodkhoz RSE.

To prepare in advance for the flood period, the branch, in addition to the planned schedules, annually draws up preliminary schedules for the discharge of the accumulated volume of water from the reservoirs, taking into account the maximum inflow of the expected spring flood according to the preliminary forecast of the RSE "Kazhydromet". This work is taking place with the approval of the Nur-Sultan Akimat and the Esil Basin Inspection.

“We monitor the water level every day. GKP "Astana su arnasy" consumes 80-90 million m3 of water for the capital a year. We also send 40 thousand m3 of water per month for the needs of a number of villages in the Arshali region. In addition, sanitary water is also supplied to maintain the level of the Esil River, ”added Uuli Duli.

It should be noted that there are 7 reservoirs on the balance of the Akmola branch of the Kazvodkhoz RSE, among them the Astana, Ishim, Seletinskoe, Koyandinskoe, Krasnoborskoe, Chaglinskoe and Podlesnenskoe reservoirs. To protect the capital from flooding of the Esil River in 2010, a protective dam was built.
Kazakhstan strengthens work in the field of water diplomacy
November 6, 2020
Kazakhstan strengthens work in the field of water diplomacy
Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev on Friday spoke in the Senate at the government hour on the topic “Water security of Kazakhstan: modern challenges and prospects for their solution”.

The head of the Ministry of Ecology noted that the ministry has fulfilled 10 recommendations of senators out of 19, which were given at last year's parliamentary hearings. Another 9 are under execution due to the long-term nature of the implementation.

One of the blocks of recommendations related to transboundary cooperation.

“Realizing that water diplomacy is necessary, work in this direction has been strengthened,” M. Mirzagaliyev said during the hour.

Seven of the eight water basins of Kazakhstan are transboundary, as a result of which Kazakhstan is largely dependent on the water policy of neighboring countries: China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation.

In water relations with the PRC, the main problem today is the lack of an agreement on the division of water resources of transboundary rivers.

According to the minister, work on the agreement began in 2015. To date, a single structure has been agreed, consisting of a preamble and 31st article.

“The negotiations with the PRC are very difficult. I would like to emphasize that China does not negotiate water distribution with any border country. Kazakhstan is the first and only country with which the PRC conducts negotiations, ”M. Mirzagaliev noted.

The head of the Ministry of Ecology also informed that this year a separate protocol was signed with the Kyrgyz side on the implementation of the exchange of electricity to ensure additional discharge of water from the Toktogul reservoir in the amount of 330 million m3. Also, a trilateral protocol was signed between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan on the operating mode of the Bakri Tojik reservoir and water supply through the Dostyk canal. "Thanks to the measures taken, the needs for irrigation water in the Zhety and Maktaaral districts of the Turkestan region were fully satisfied during the growing season," the minister said.

Also, according to the minister, significant work has been done with Uzbekistan.

In the summer of this year, a Roadmap was signed on cooperation in the field of water relations, covering the whole range of problematic issues with the definition of a time frame for their solution. Within the framework of the signed Roadmap, a joint inspection of water facilities built and reconstructed after 1991 was carried out. This was done in order to identify those reservoirs that were not previously included in the water balance.

A draft agreement on joint management, use and protection of transboundary water bodies has also been developed. As of today, the parties have agreed on the text of the agreement by 80%. “The negotiation process continues. The successful signing of the agreement will allow in the future to ensure transparency in the distribution of water resources in the main water management areas located on the territory of Uzbekistan, ”he said.

At the end of November, a meeting will also be held with the Kyrgyz side to discuss the issue of non-compliance with the schedule for water supply to the Kazakh side through interstate canals.

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